ヤマガタンver9 > Free Winter Boot Rental Service

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▼Free Winter Boot Rental Service

Free Winter Boot Rental Service /

Free Winter Boots Rental

 This year once again winter boots are available free to rent.

Yonezawa faces a lot of snow and the winter but we still want you to enjoy walking around the city. We’ve prepared Snow and Water-proof boots for anyone to use to enjoy the winter land-scape.

To rent;

・First fill out the ‘Winter Boots Rental Form’

・We’ll hold onto your shoes and you can choose any boots you want.

・Feel free to rent them for a period up to 3 days.

・There’s no need to apply beforehand!

・Enquire for info about sizes and availability.


Renting times:

3rd December 2016 – 31st March 2017 between the hours of 9:00-17:00

※Renting service not available on 1st January.


Rental location

Yonezawa Station Tourism Information Center (ASK)

TEL: 0238-24-2965 (English Available)

2016/12/16 10:32 (C)
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