ヤマガタンver9 > Matsugasaki Park - ‘The Picture of Japanese Spring the World Needs to See.”

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▼Matsugasaki Park - ‘The Picture of Japanese Spring the World Needs to See.”

Matsugasaki Park - ‘The Picture of Japanese Spring the World Needs to See.”/

The website ‘ZEKKEI’ Japan which chooses the most beautiful scenes from throughout Japan has given the ‘Spring Zekkei Award’ to Yonezawa’s very own Matsugasaki Park.
The pictures spot is Uesugi Jinja-Shrine’s southern side showing ‘Cherry Blossoms at Hishimon reflecting off the water’.

Cherry Blossom viewing season is planned to start from the 18th of April and illuminations will start from the 15th.

Make sure to check out those Cherry Blossoms!

2016/03/23 16:35 (C)
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